For Bridgebox // Galatians 6:9

Something i did from last month! #amnesiatoreblog

These guys are the greatest! ❤


BridgeBox is delighted to introduce you to the work of designer Hannah Salla.  This Philippines-based artist produces some of the sharpest graphics we’ve seen, and we can’t wait for you to see these wallpapers – custom designed for this month’s BridgeBox, to help you memorize a critical passage of Scripture.  Load them on your computer, phone, or tablet, and get down with the goodness.

Check out more of Hannah’s work at

Hannah is a visual creative and aspiring digital nomad based in Manila. When she's not pushing pixels, she can be found cuddling with her cat, chilling in cafés, or finding her next flight out. She enjoys tea lattes and making alliterations.

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