Bright + Bold

It’s only just the 2nd week of the term and already things are so crazy. SO MUCH TO DO!

banana attack

Anyway, the other night I was playing around, just thinking of a concept or art direction to use on my portfolio website. I came up with my  “Cheerleading Bananaman” character! Except this time I added the lashes, braces, and uh, skirt to sorta represent me, lol. I feel like I’m still at that stage where I’m still trying to concrete my art style, and true enough i doodle more but get too lazy to scan them after that. But for now, this will do– a combination of bright colors, bold typography, and line art! 😀 Stay tuned for my portfolio site which is undergoing coding right now 🙂

*Special mention to kuya Jayson for helping me figure out a glitch in the CSS code. I literally spent hours mulling over that!* 

Since it’s also my last term (i’m still not used to being called a “graduating” student!) a huge part of my portfolio class is the exhibition at the end of the term. That means… we’ll need to display exhibition-worthy works! I wanted to do more new stuff, and the one below is one that i’ve been working on– a double exposure portrait featuring the lovely Japanese piece, The Great Wave of Kanagawa 🙂 Whatever new stuff I’m working on will only be unveiled in the exhibition so I hope whoever’s reading this would get to go! It’ll be at Fully Booked Top Shelf, Bonifacio Global City.


Hannah is a visual creative and aspiring digital nomad based in Manila. When she's not pushing pixels, she can be found cuddling with her cat, chilling in cafés, or finding her next flight out. She enjoys tea lattes and making alliterations.

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